All you need to know about underwriting at WRUW:
What is WRUW?
WRUW-FM 91.1 is the campus radio station of Case Western Reserve University, located in the University Circle section of Cleveland, Ohio. WRUW is a non-profit, commercial free, all volunteer staffed radio station. WRUW operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, every day of the year. In addition to broadcasting at 15,000 watts, WRUW is also webcasting, with the web stream available of its on-air signal, giving WRUW a world-wide audience. WRUW also archives every show on the air for a period one week, making them available for downloads.
How does underwriting work?
WRUW-FM 91.1 is owned by and located at Case Western Reserve University. The College is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and therefore all your donations including program underwriting are tax-deductible.
As an alternative to advertising, underwriting is an easy way for you or your business (or non-profit organization) to gain community-wide recognition for your support of WRUW and its commitment to quality and diverse programming. In addition to being a very wise investment for you, the on-air acknowledgements enhance your image as participants in, and supporters of organizations in our community.
With over ninety programs per week, ranging in length from 30 minutes to 3 hours, there are many from which to choose that will most effectively showcase your business or organization. You may elect to underwrite one or more regular programs. In return, the announcer of the sponsored program will read your message (see FCC Regulations and sample underwriting).
What content is allowed in my Underwriting Announcement?
WRUW is committed to creating high quality, professional-sounding announcements. Our Underwriting Director, Tony Marotta will work with you to maximize your message within the parameters set by the FCC (see FCC Underwriting Guidelines below).
The following are sample underwriting announcements:
Today’s programming is brought to you in part by Columbiana Records, presenting The Ohio City Men’s Choir, May 10th, at the Palace Theatre. The Choir’s new release “Moving Mountains” is available at Amazon.com and iTunes. To purchase tickets or for more information you may contact the box office at 216.555.1234 or visit their website at www.columbianarecords.com.
“Radio America” is supported in part by Lakewood Record Exchange. Lakewood Record Exchange is located at 15220 Windermere Avenue, in Lakewood, Ohio. Open Monday through Saturday 10 AM to 9 PM and Sundays 11AM to 6 PM. The number to call for additional information is 216.555.4321. You can also visit their website at www.lakewoodrecords.com.
What are the FCC and WRUW Underwriting Regulations and Policies?
Due to FCC regulations of non-commercial airwaves there are several rules we must abide by in any underwriting announcement. The following is a brief description of what can and cannot be used. Legal or trade name must be stated to identify the underwriter.
Any of the following MAY be used in acknowledgment copy:
- Telephone number, email address, web site and location of business or area served
- Days of operation
- Product origin (“French wine”)
- Product content, (“wool suits”)
- Form of delivery, or method of preparation, (“Delivered by rickshaw” or “cooked with bottled water”)
NONE of the following may be used in acknowledgment copy:
- Qualitative language, (wonderful; homemade)
- Comparative language, (better; most)
- “Calls to action,” (call today, come by)
- Location of business using another business as a reference, (…located next door to?)
- Number of years in business
- First-person statements, (I) or second-person statements, (you)
What are the underwriting rates?
WRUW offers a simple package of $20.00 per 20-30 second spot. The underwriter will complete and sign an underwriting agreement and provide payment in advance before any broadcast of the announcements will be made. Checks are to be made payable to WRUW.
How do I begin?
You may contact our Underwriting Director, Tony Marotta, at italiansounds@aol.com for more details.